Lust for Life
Almost three years ago, I met Ethan Minsker and Bryan Middleton during an accidental visit to Black & White in the East Village. I was just another kid from the Midwest, lost in the big city. After a couple whiskeys, they had convinced me to join the Antagonists and tell this tall tale about Iggy Pop, bad dreams, and burning coincidences.
Today, I'm resurrecting my Iggy Pop story on Travel Goat, the New York City podcast archive. Check it out:
"When I was young, I moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan, hoping to make it big as a writer. The first place I found was a basement room, with one window in the corner and bare bedrock walls. One particular winter night, I was cuddled up with my girlfriend in my warm blankets.
Something woke me up in the wee hours, this prickling feeling. I scratched at myself in the dark, but my leg burned, it stung. See, I'm one of those people that sleeptalks. I perpetually wake up confused, never knowing how much is still a dream and how much is real..."
Over the last few years, I've spent some good nights at that bar. Most of them revolved around the Fahrenheit storytelling night, an event sponsored by the crazy East Village Antagonist Movement. I'm going back on February 5th for the storytelling night, right after the Super Bowl. If you're in the neighborhood around 10 o'clock, stop by Black & White...
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