January 12, 2006

"There is a carnival outside my window."

Despite a management snafu that left my building without heat for 5 days, without hot water for 6 days, and without stove gas for 7 days, I am still kicking.

I feel like Charles Kinbote in his Pale Fire commentary (which I am re-reading like a kid in a candy store this week, but don't have with me to verify the exact quote that follows; which is appropriate for a blog post about a fictional character commenting on a fictional poem; and come to think about it, really, really appropriate, considering), when he sez,"There is a carnival outside my window," and you realize for the first time that there is something really, really wrong with the person telling you the story.

On a completely related note, Jeff VanderMeer is coming to New York City to read next week, at the red and stylish KGB Bar. I'm going. You should go too. It's not very often you get to meet somebody on your blogroll...

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